
Lesser-Known Factors That Affect Weight Loss

Jul 20, 2022
Lesser-Known Factors That Affect Weight Loss
When it comes to effective weight management, we all know that diet and exercise play important roles. Beyond that, there are other factors that also affect weight loss that you may not have heard about.

When it comes to effective weight management, we all know that diet and exercise play important roles. Beyond that, there are other factors that also affect weight loss that you may not have heard about. So, if you have been going off the diet-and-exercise equation with no success, there may be other reasons why you haven’t reached your target weight.

As a wellness center in Houston, Texas, we will discuss the lesser-known factors that affect weight loss:

  • Stress

    Chronic stress can result in high blood pressure, inflammation, and brain fog. This can affect both our emotional and physical health, which may lead to weight gain. Stress can also lead you to indulge in unhealthy snacks and affect your motivation to exercise. You can address stress by engaging in hobbies and finding time to relax.

  • Hydration

    Staying properly hydrated is essential when it comes to fitness and beauty, especially when you are trying to lose weight. When the body becomes dehydrated, it slows down the metabolism. Hence, you have a harder time losing excess weight. Dehydration can also lead to hunger pangs and headaches, which affect your performance during exercise.

  • Sleep

    Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial for losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight. Insufficient sleep can lead to weight gain as it releases hunger hormones like ghrelin. Sleep also affects thermoregulation which affects the body’s ability to maintain weight.

We at Balance Wellness Center offer a comprehensive weight loss package to address the factors that affect weight loss and help you achieve your desired goal. In addition to Coolsculpting services in Texas, our package includes physician consultations, metabolic meal plans, lab work, and more. Reach out to us to set an appointment.